Resilience, Innovation and Talent to face crises

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Stella Garrido


We could say that both resilient and innovative people have the attitude and ability to
develop, through learning and experience: thoughts, emotions and skills that make them
talented to face adversity and failure. The topic/problem under study in the field of
psychology and its articulation with the construct’s resilience, innovation, and talent,
constitute not only the scaffolding of approach and development of this article but
at the same time encourage the recognition of new teaching-learning scenarios from a
transformative perspective. Activated by a long-awaited project where the human happens
in a good life beyond the pandemic, we try to reflect on the different axes of debate that
cross and identify it.


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How to Cite
Garrido, . S. (2021). Resilience, Innovation and Talent to face crises. Nuevas Propuestas Journal, (57), 26–36. Retrieved from
Artículo original
Author Biography

Stella Garrido, UCSE-DASS

Career Commission Coordination
Bachelor's Degree in Psychology - UCSE-DASS


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