Design, manufacture and commissioning of an environmentally friendly energy generator for the lighting of a carriage at the National Student Festival - Jujuy Province

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Víctor Aizama
Rafael Hurtado
María Godoy
Joaquín Guzmán
Susana Zazzarini
Fernando Cardozo
Andrea Velázquez
Gonzalo Mamani


The Jujuy City, every September 21, becomes the "National Capital of Youth and Spring", that day and since 1952, the student body of the Country, celebrates the arrival of spring and the beginning of the National Student Party , where one of the central activities is the parade of carriages. At this time the students attend and generate cultural activities, famous singers come from all over the country. They make choices of queen of the courses, of the school, the city queen and finally the election of the National Queen of the Students. Students with the help of teachers and family, build their floats to exhibit them in a public parade, each one needs between 12,000 and 20,000 LED lights to illuminate different figures, proposed in their projects and implementation by students who are in the last year of the second, called " Carroceros " At the beginning of this project, almost all the carrozas or carriages were illuminated with common bulbs, only a couple of them used some LED bulbs for that task. In this work the objective was to carry out the design, construction and testing of an environmentally friendly electric power generator prototype, to be used, instead of conventional electric power, in the carriage lighting of the National Student Party. And at the same time it carries out transfer and dissemination actions, of the benefits of the use of alternative, clean and low-cost energy in different modifications of society, in particular among adolescents and young participants of the Party. An electric power generating device can be assembled, which allows more than 20,000 leds, to be implemented in the referred carriages and the transfer and dissemination actions proposed in the project are needed, reaching more than 17,573 people effectively.


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How to Cite
Aizama, V. ., Hurtado , R., Godoy , M., Guzmán , J., Zazzarini , S., Cardozo , F., Velázquez , A., & Mamani, G. . (2020). Design, manufacture and commissioning of an environmentally friendly energy generator for the lighting of a carriage at the National Student Festival - Jujuy Province. Nuevas Propuestas Journal, (56), 67–97. Retrieved from
Artículo original


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Aizama-Cardozo Fernando-Cardozo Veronica 2015. Prototipo Generador de

Energıa Electrica, a traves del uso alternativo de la Bicicleta.